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D. M. Mitchell
ASIN: B005L935UM
Publisher: D.M. Mitchell
Pages: 47

By the best selling author of Max and The House of the Wicked - a chilling (long) short story'It had taken four blows of the axe to kill him, which, according to Mulligan, was three more than ever he’d had to use.'It is 1821. Martin Foley is serving a prison sentence in the notoriously brutal penal colony on Sarah Island in Marquarie Harbour, Van Diemen's Land. Like many inmates he longs for escape, but escape is all but impossible. The land itself is a prison; hundreds of miles of inhospitable jungle and terrain where many foolish prisoners have died trying to cross it.But Mulligan, a brutish murderer, has secured a map that he guarantees will guide them to freedom. The only thing is it's tattooed to his chest. Together with another man called Langham, Martin Foley kills their guard and they head out into the bush, following Mulligan's map.But their bid for freedom turns into a hellish ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 15 ratings