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Ivan Turner
Publisher: Ivan Turner
Pages: 79

Zombies! It's not the end of the world. This episode sets up a confrontation between the zombie hunter and Jasper Scanlon, who's been selling the zombie flesh in south Florida. Why is Ms. Huang trying to bring down Abby Benjamin? With the addition of Jenna to his organization, the zombie hunter has some new ideas about how to approach his field. Having caught wind of an operation in south Florida where someone is selling zombies as sex slaves, he sees an opportunity for some quick cash. In New York, however, Ms. Huang and ZCF Incorporated are hatching a plot to destroy Abby Benjamin's reputation. Though Ms. Huang was very clear in letting Abby know how insignificant she is, that is clearly not the case. What power does Abby have that frightens the Zombie Containment Facility?
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