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CK Burch
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 402

It’s been a year and a half since Alex Crawford discovered his wife’s body floating in the lake behind their home. Coupled with the critical failure of his first novel, the past eighteen months have driven Alex into creative tailspin. At the behest of his agent, Alex travels to the nearby town of Second Hollow to engage in a writer’s retreat. Energized, Alex creates a story about a new character, a horror writer from 40’s named Aldous Creed. But then Alex discovers that Creed is a very real person who used to live in Second Hollow — something everyone in the town is all too aware of. Unable to turn away, Alex begins to investigate how this could happen, but the truth behind the reality of Aldous Creed could lead him to the point of no return.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 11 ratings