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Rachel Wetsriru
Publisher: Rachel Wetsriru
Pages: 226

The peoples of the Eastern North Continent were happy and content. Life was good. There were no wars and borders were expanding. But things were too peaceful. The peoples forgot they needed their Creator and He became displeased with their inattention. To get the peoples? attention again, the Creator allowed His enemy, Proud Evil, to have sway over one young man. But this young man was not just the average youth; he was one of the few, banned under pain of death, magicians in the Eastern North Continent. Bitter and full of hatred after seeing his mentor die at the hands of the authorities, this young man fled into the wilderness to escape persecution. There, with the aid of his dragon friend, he developed a lethal army of enslaved men riding black, fire breathing horses. At the onslaught of this unnatural army, confusion and fear raced across the Eastern North Continent faster than the ...
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