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Jeff McCall
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 46

2nd Edition Just Released! No Increase In Cost! Limited Time Offer At This Price!Getting started in Judo can be daunting.But training martial arts is one of the most beneficial things I've ever done, mentally and physically, but getting over the beginner's hump was where a chunk of those benefits come from.Thankfully the Internet now allows us to learn more easily from those who came before us.Here is what you will learn in Beginning Judo: The Ultimate GuideWhat is Judo?What is the English translation or the meaning of the word Judo?What is the purpose in learning Judo?What are the main principles in learning Judo?Where did Judo come from?What is the difference between Judo and Traditional Jujitsu?What is the difference between Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?Who created Judo?What are the different types of Judo throws?When did Judo become an Olympic sport?What are the Judo belt ranks?How ...
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