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Naomi Rowland
Publisher: Loco Media
Pages: 44

Why Mediterranean Diet?The Mediterranean Diet is not just a diet to help you lose weight. It is actually a lifestyle change that involves changing your diet, eating habits, and incorporating exercise into your daily routine to achieve weight loss and good health.With Mediterranean Diet, here are the benefits that you will get:You will have a decreased risk for acquiring Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.Since Mediterranean Diet is a balanced diet and incorporates exercise, you will lose weight and reduce your chances of becoming obese.Reduce your risk for developing high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. All of these factors can lead to vascular and cardiac diseases and related complications. And once you have these health problems, they would need permanent medication.In a study conducted, Mediterranean Diet increases longevity as much as 20% at any age. This is ...
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