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Kathy Stanton, Rick Riley
ASIN: B01A5299M2
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 185

Book 1: Frugal Minimalism And Loving It: 50 Proven Steps To Live A Minimalist Lifestyle, Clear Your Clutter And Live With LessHere Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...An Introduction to the Minimalist LifestyleHow to Get Rid of the Clutter in Your HomeHow to Have a Minimalist WardrobeMinimalist EatingHow to Declutter Your Life and FinancesGifts, Gifts, GiftsMinimalist Living In Everyday LifeMuch, much more!Book 2: Living Frugal And Thriving: 40 Different Ways To Develop A Frugal Mindset, Simplify Your Life And Enjoy Life On A BudgetIn This Book You Will Learn...How to Eat on a BudgetRetail, I Think Not!Decorating Your Home on a BudgetElectric Bills Sucking You Dry?Let’s Have Some Fun!Other Areas in Your Life You can Save MoneySome Helpful Extra TipsMuch, much more!Book 3: Cutting Back And Loving It: 50 Creative Ways To Simplify Your Space, Declutter Your Life And Achieve The Life You ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 27 ratings