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Sean Buckley
Publisher: Sean Buckley
Pages: N/A

Colouring books for adults are a relatively new phenomenon and many people are still unaware of the benefits that can be achieved by a little time spent doing something as simple as colouring. Different terms are often used to describe adult colouring, with mindfulness and art-therapy being the most popular at this moment in time. I am a firm believer in the benefits that can be drawn from something as simple as colouring.My books are a little different from the others available. I prefer to use monochrome images as the stencils from which to colour. Each image is accompanied with a few of my interpretations of what is possible to achieve with the stencil pages provided.People have asked me “Why are my books only available as ebook?” The answer is simple. Once the e-book is downloaded the stencil pages can be printed as often as required. It gives you the scope to see how different ...
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