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David Archer
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 521

USA TODAY & AMAZON #1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR • ONE OF THE BEST NEW VOICES IN THE ACTION THRILLER GENRE • David Archer is back with a vengeance with his newest hero, Noah Wolf. People are already throwing out names like Mitch Rapp and Alex Cross, but don't take my word for it. See what all the fuss is about before Archer becomes a household name!USA TODAY BESTSELLING SERIESBooks Included: The Way of the Wolf (Prequel), Code Name Camelot (Book One), & Lone Wolf (Book Two).The Way of the Wolf Description:What happens to a seven-year-old boy who sees his parents die in a murder suicide? There is trauma, of course, and an impact to his emotional health from which you may never recover.Noah Foster was that boy, and his struggle with post-traumatic stress has left him without emotions, without a conscience and without whatever it is that once made him human. The only thing he's got now is his ...
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4.5 stars from 12 ratings