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Brian Borgford
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 296

Thorsteinn (Thomas) Borgford was born in Iceland in 1874 and immigrated to Canada with his family at the age of twelve years. He led an interesting and eventful life, leaving an indelible footprint on the history of western Canada.As a youth in Iceland he acquired the basics of survival and the process of learning which he put to good use in his harsh days of maneuvering life as an immigrant in Canada. By the time he was twenty years old he was well positioned to make his mark, as an accomplished construction superintendent.As one of the founders of the J. McDiarmid Co. Ltd., Thomas and his partners erected some of the most recognizable structures in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.Although a proud and loyal Canadian, he never forgot his Icelandic roots and many of his activities reflect the linkage to his heritage.This book is written primarily to memorialize the ...
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