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David Canford
ASIN: B0796B8RY3
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 217

A story of forbidden love, hatred, overcoming hardship and helping others. Can good triumph over evil?A baby’s birth to George Elwood’s wife on their South Carolina plantation threatens to cause a scandal, but the funeral of mother and child seems to ensure that the truth will never be known.Years later Elwood's son, Thomas, is rescued from disaster by a slave, Mosa, and discovers the secrets of his family, setting him on a collision course with his father and the law.Making it North, Mosa receives unexpected news and must decide whether to risk her life and return to the South during the height of the Civil War.A novel from the author of Bound Bayou. For fans of books such as Yellow Crocus and Sister of Mine.The gripping sequel, Sweet Bitter Freedom, is also available on Amazon.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 1,731 ratings