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Matthew Tamney
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 281

What would you do if you had the ability to plant ideas into other people's heads?Meeting someone who shared and understood this ability saved Pete Erikson from a life of trouble and regret. Becoming part of a larger group of people with similar abilities gave him a family, and a sense of belonging.But, what do you do when a member of the group crosses the line, and bends the will of innocent people to profit from death and destruction? Pete and his friends, led by their mentor, have to find out who's behind all of this and stop them before the CIA or FBI figure out what's going on, and they turn the world upside down.This fast-paced thriller won't be easy to put down. From Taipei to New York to Miami Beach, you'll want more of the chase, the twists and turns, and the chemistry between Pete, his friends, and family.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 13 ratings