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Mark Magic
ASIN: B07P6Z8V51
Publisher: M.J. Magic Publishing
Pages: N/A

* Updated in May, 2019! * Research fields: Computer Vision and Machine Learning. * Book Topic: Action recognition from videos. * Recognition Tool: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory) layer and fully connected layer. * Programming Language: Step-by-step implementation with Python in Jupyter Notebook. * Major Steps: Building a network, training the network, testing the network, comparing the network with an SVM (Support Vector Machines) classifier. * Processing Units to Execute the Codes: CPU and GPU (on Google Colaboratory). * Image Feature Extraction Tool: Pretrained VGG16 network. * Dataset: UCF101 (the first 15 actions, 2010 videos). * Main Results: For the testing data, the highest prediction accuracy from the RNN is 86.97%, which is a little higher than that from the SVM classifier (86.09%). * Detailed Description: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is a ...
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