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Fran Cherny
Publisher: Metrópolis
Pages: 205

“In an increasingly complex world, Be the Change offers us a simple, inspiring map to lead (and live) by integrating dilemmas and flowing with continuous learning.”Joao AdaoManaging Director of Facebook South AmericaBoth in our personal and professional levels, we sometimes face new challenges that demand a change in us in order to overcome them. Sometimes this change is much more complex than it seems, and thus the obstacles become limitations. Other times change does take place, but we cannot sustain it over time. Thus, the change is diluted until it disappears, and the original problem resurfaces.In this book, I invite you to reflect on the difficulties we may encounter when undertaking any change, and transform yourself into a person capable of successfully changing all your areas of action. From my experience as an international consultant, I propose that each of us become our own ...
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