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Henry McConley
Publisher: Regal Quill Publishing
Pages: 530

Butch Haddock knew just how dangerous the world could be but all he ever wanted was to be a sheriff. Locked away in his small telegraph office, his dream feels further away than ever. People might call him a fool, yet he knows he has a good heart and a killer aim. When a mysterious transmission comes through with chilling news of women taken hostage out of town, he must take action...How far will he go to make things right again? Will he be able to give hope to a town that has given up?Marietta Jones loves Butch, yet he doesn't seem to understand it. When she discovers she has been promised to his sworn enemy, the town sheriff, she wants nothing more than to break it off. Apart from her feelings for Butch, she also suspects the sheriff is not quite what he seems. Can she break the bonds of a society stacked up against her?Two unlikely heroes diving into danger, and a crime so tangled ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 201 ratings