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A. J. Thibault
ASIN: B0010KFB76
Publisher: iLobby
Pages: 138

A COLLECTION OF RHYTHMIC PROSE AND POETRY "The reader forms an attachment to the author/narrator as the parts meld into a story. The majority of the work is one - to two-page vignettes that create almost a novel in verse... Absorbing, an otherwise intriguing window into history." - Kirkus Discoveries "We Lack a Word is definitely a book for seekers and thinkers. A thought-provoking book that stimulates one's intellect. The poetry, all of it, is excellent and meaningful. Readers will be captivated by the vibrant description and the effortless motion of the flowing words... An imagination that exceeds the norm." - IP Book Reviewers
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 8 ratings