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John Misak
Publisher: Empire Strikes Press.
Pages: 358

Murder, revenge, the desperation of a parent trying to save their family, and the effect of death on us all. Death Knell ties these all together in a tightly woven tale sure to keep you guessing.The daughter of a famous scientist is found strangled in Central Park. A drug dealer is brutally murdered in his apartment. These two seemingly diverse cases have a link not visible on the surface. One is considered a tragedy, the other an occupational hazard. NYPD Detective John Keegan is drawn to the first case but instead is assigned the second. He didn't choose Homicide to avenge drug dealers. He figures whoever killed Konstantin 'K-Drugs' Volkyv did the city a favor. Still, all justice needs to be served. Keegan reluctantly goes about his job with an eye on the Central Park murder.As more criminals end up dead, it appears a vigilante is running loose in New York, determined to end the lives ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 70 ratings