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Pages: 110

This volume includes some of the most important historical documents in American history. In this edition are included the following: The Declaration of Independence of The United States of America (1776), The Constitution of the United States of America (1787), The Bill of Rights and Other Amendments to the Constitution (1791-1992), The Albany Plan (1754), The Declaration of Rights (1765 – In Response to the Stamp Act), Declaration of Rights and Grievances (1774), Virginia Declaration of Rights (1776), The Articles of Confederation (1778), Report of the Annapolis Conference (1786), Speech of Benjamin Franklin (1787 – At the Constitutional Congress), The Letter of Transmittal (1787 – Of the Constitution), Washington's Letter to Congress (1787 – Regarding the Constitution), Madison Introduces the Bill of Rights (1789), Jefferson's Wall of Separation Letter (1802), The National Anthem – ...
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5 stars from 51 ratings