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Henrik Ibsen
Publisher: Neeland Media LLC
Pages: 118

Henrik Ibsen's 1884 drama, "The Wild Duck", is the story of Gregers Werle, an idealist who returns to his hometown after some absence. While there he begins to meddle in the affairs of the Ekdals, an odd family that have constructed a strange way of living by ignoring the skeletons in their respective closets. The Ekdals escape the reality of their existence by the construction of various delusional fantasies. Gregers, who believes that the pursuit of the ideal demands the exposition of absolute truth, summons the Ekdals to expose for themselves the truth that is hiding behind the facade of their lies. In so doing, a tragic unraveling of the very fabric of the Ekdals lives occurs in classic Ibsen fashion.
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 78 ratings