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Reese Reed
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 146

Jessica’s day couldn’t have been more perfect. She was about to marry the man of her dreams, and she couldn’t wait to spend eternity with him. But when she catches a glimpse of the pointed ears on the “Elder” her beloved is obligated to, she wonders if maybe she should have spent a bit more time studying the contract she and Kris had agreed to sign.Something had to be done about the world around them. It was plain to see there was little joy to be had in the lives of the children at the time. But Jessica had no idea how her vows would change the world.Catapulted from her life in a tropical paradise to the barren North Pole, Jessica's new reality comes crashing in on her. Even the ever-cheerful Elders begin to weigh on her nerves as she begins to question her choice.When offered a return to the life she’d abandoned, Jessica must choose between the life she left behind and the love ...
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4.5 stars from 5 ratings