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McKinsey Global Institute, Charles Roxburgh, Baudouin Regout, Jan Mischke
Publisher: McKinsey & Company
Pages: 148

Europe faces multiple, simultaneous pressures on GDP growth at a time when scope to stimulate growth from public funds is limited by high debt and deficit levels. Just to maintain past GDP growth levels, Europe needs to accelerate productivity growth by around 30 per cent over historic levels, or opt to work more. Productivity growth would have to grow by an even greater margin if Europe is to close the GDP gap with the United States that prevails today. In this challenging context, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), McKinsey & Company’s business and economics research arm, has examined what Europe needs to do to overcome the economic headwinds it faces in the years ahead. Beyond austerity: A path to economic growth and renewal in Europe looks in detail at labor market reform, Europe’s productivity imperative, and ways in which some European companies and governments are leveraging ...
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