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Benjamin David
ASIN: B004E3Y10E
Publisher: Yhabbut Publishing
Pages: 202

Egypt, in the Bible, represents slavery and oppression, until Moses showed up and led his people in a mass Exodus out of Egypt. Before reaching the Promised Land, they would wander in the Sinai desert for forty years, probably because Moses was lost, but refused to stop and ask for directions.This is the metaphor that the Ex-Gay movement uses under the guise of Exodus International. In their philosophy, gay men and women are in bondage, suffering from “unwanted” sexual attraction, and they are the modern Moses, here to set the community free.My Egypt is the story of one man who spent over fifteen years of his life inside of this movement; only realize that the Exodus movement is really Egypt in disguise.In his struggle to be “free from homosexuality,” Ben Tousey discovered that “freedom” comes from being who you are. When he finally came out (or was thrown out by the police), Ben was ...
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4.5 stars from 5 ratings