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Janet Dawson
ASIN: B00520579W
Publisher: Janet Dawson
Pages: 208

A SIMPLE LITTLE MURDER TAKES A HIGH-STAKES INTERNATIONAL TURN…“A welcome addition to this tough genre.” -- The New York Times Book ReviewIn Janet Dawson’s second absorbing Jeri Howard mystery, the tough-minded private investigator finds herself –in no time at all--at the center of an international jumble of war heroes, collaborators, resistance fighters, politicians, and crime bosses.But in fine PI mystery fashion, the case isn’t at first what it seems. It begins small, with the grisly murder of a sedate, widowed history professor, written off as a random street crime until a woman turns up at his university, claiming to be his widow and demanding access to his “papers.” Jeri’s called into the case by her father, a good friend of Lito, the murdered Asian Studies professor, who tells her about a mysterious envelope he received from his friend on the day of his funeral. A note with the ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 2,067 ratings