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John McKenzie
ASIN: B0054H4MO4
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 147

This book was adapted for radio and produced as a Monday Night Theatre on BBC Radio 4.Sam McSorley forces his younger half brother Angus out of his mundane but cosy existence in a little cottage outside Edinburgh and makes him take charge of his gigantic business interests in the USA. All his life a lover of all things to do with trains and railways, Sam has had a near death experience and wants to do what he’s always wanted to do, which is play Casey Jones with a steam train on railwayline he’s going to build across a desert.Forcing Angus to live away from his Mozart and laudinum and engage in commerce might not have been the best idea Sam ever had because Angus starts betting the businesses on who’s going to win Presidential elections, and starts refusing to send Sam supplies to help him build his railroad unless...Into the mix comes Jacob Merryweather who has been sent to the USA ...
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5 stars from 2 ratings