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Jeffrey Marc Wachtel
Publisher: GWM Global World Movement
Pages: 397

Millions of Earth-years ago in a distant “twin” galaxy to earth, in a twin solar system, on a non-identical extra-solar twin planet of our Earth, a supreme intelligent force surveyed “It’s” work. It judged the situation to be the right time in the planet’s evolutionary timetable to create human beings. Set on a non-identical twin planet of Earth named Global World, Dylan, a Knowledge Communicator and Archeologist who feels out of sync with his culture and his workplace, makes a startling life-endangering discovery the day before his annual vacation. Suddenly he is on the run from sinister forces within his own government. He connects with a nomadic tribe of people who will help him escape but, to do so, Dylan must take a dangerous and forbidden journey across a great desert. What Dylan learns during his journey changes his life's purpose from selfish motives to be happy, to a mission to ...
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