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Honoree Corder
Publisher: Honoree Enterprises Publishing, LLC
Pages: 109

The Successful Single Mom book is your BFF, personal coach, and therapist all rolled into one. Written by a business coach and former single mom, when you read this book you'll feel like you're getting big sisterly advice from someone you've known forever. You'll feel inspired to begin your transformation and become the mom and woman you've always known you could be.In this book, you’ll discover:How to rebuild your personal and professional lives to feel like you again.How to develop your support system.How to improve your attitude and enjoy the fresh and wonderful things single mom life has to offer.How to create a plan and action steps to put you on the path to success.How to be an incredible role model for your kids, and much, much more!Buy this funny, encouraging book to forge your new future today!
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 120 ratings