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Jane Marshall, James Butterworth
Publisher: Jane Marshall
Pages: 375

‘Love with the urge in it’For forty years William Millman, known in Congo as ‘Mokili’, served the people of the Yakusu area amid trials and joys, disease, sadness, bereavements, failures, adventures, achievements, fun, laughter, and lifelong friendships. Missionary, teacher, self-taught medical practitioner, administrator of a rapidly expanding Mission, project manager and builder of houses, schools and a vast New Church that still survives today, Mokili devoted his life to his faith and to the people of Congo he had come to love.Mokili’s daughter, Litwasi, was born in the Congo but was brought home in 1912 at the age of three to live with foster parents in Rochdale. In 1937 she married James, known as Jim, Butterworth. Over the next twenty years Jim, a committed Christian and theologian, would develop a very deep respect for his wife’s parents and a strong mutual friendship developed. ...
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5 stars from 6 ratings