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Bob Mayer
Publisher: Cool Gus
Pages: 192

“Rogue politicians, a maniac scientist and the doomsday weapon—The Omega Missile comes screaming down on target. A great action reader!” Stephen Coonts.By the New York Times bestselling author and Special Operations Veteran. “The Omega Missile is an exciting, fast-paced on-the-edge look at a problematical vestige of the nuclear age—broken back global warfare.” PT DeutermannA nuclear holocaust is just a button away—and someone’s about to push it. The secret—the ultimate weapon, a missile that carries no warhead, just a doomsday system that can will launch every nuclear device in the US arsenal. No overrides. No countermands. No stopping it.The terrorists—desperate men, driven over the edge by a government they feel betrayed them. They’ve taken over control of the Omega Missile, stated their demands, and are ready to push the button that will kill us all. The White House—stumped, scared ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 173 ratings