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Carol Balawyder
ASIN: B00607D2CA
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 275

Mourning Has Broken offers a moving and poignant look at grief and loss. In this collection of narrative non-fiction essays, the author speaks from the heart not only about the death of a dear sister but also about the mourning of a mother, a father, a dear friend, a career and a religion. Her sister's death tore her heart apart. The grief she felt for her was more intense than any grief she ever felt for the death of someone dear to her. Perhaps it was the amalgamation of un-mourned grieves, or maybe it was because it was closer to home . To lose a parent puts your mortality next in line; to lose a sister, you are no longer in line - you have crossed the threshold. About the Author When my mother died I wrote Don't Bring Me Flowers, an essay which is in this collection. In the weeks which followed my sister's death , an urge to write an essay about her emerged . It was at page eighty ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 12 ratings