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Rain Trueax
Publisher: Seven Oaks
Pages: 232

After a fancy Boston wedding she never wanted, Helene tells the groom she regrets going through with it. Great looks and money are not enough. She needs a "real man" and leaves for her uncle’s Montana ranch to rebuild her self confidence. Business wunderkind Phillip Drumond fumes at her disrespect on their wedding day.Phillip is invited by her uncle to see ‘her-world’ and what it could offer in business and in life. He resists the idea of being a dude, but he goes to prove she misjudged him and maybe win her love.What they each find is the stuff of dreams.The West as it was and is, ranching life, two love stories. One revealed through the journal and the modern couple, who find that what they thought each wanted wasn’t necessarily what they needed. In the end, it is nature-in-the raw that will decide if there is to be a happily- ever- after.Sequel: A Montana Christmas with a bonus short ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 9 ratings