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Craig McLay
Publisher: (March 28, 2012)
Pages: 325

*** Winner of the 2012 eFestival of Words award for best literary fiction! *** Village Books is a local institution…which is good, because most of the staff probably belong in one. The manager’s addiction to WebMD has turned him into a closeted hypochondriac. The cashier’s husband may have just gone AWOL with a small arsenal of fragmentary explosive devices. The fiction lead is buying urine on the black market. Trying to hold it all together is the store’s long-suffering assistant manager, who is spinning his wheels in retail while he waits for something better to come along. That something better may be Leah Dashwood, an aspiring actress and new assistant manager with an ambitious plan to transform the store and its staff in a way that will turn their carefully disordered world on its head. Will the store survive or will it be bought over by its evil corporate competition?
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 1,738 ratings