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Donna Dillon
ASIN: B007S005N2
Publisher: Createspace
Pages: 248

After a shockingly unexpected fall through the ice, 18 year old Alex finds himself in The Gloaming, the twilight between life and death. He discovers his Gloaming to be a dark and dismal place, a direct result of a life lived with selfishness and greed.With the help of Anaya, is spirit guide, Alex is given a second chance. One chance to change his life, and his Gloaming for good. He wakes to find that he can see auras, bright colors surrounding people. People he loves, as well as total strangers. Embarking on a quest to understand the meaning behind the different colored auras, Alex discovers that he can help people. That is, if he can learn to put others before himself.Alex learns a hard lesson of sacrifice, love, and the power of letting go as he struggles to find his way Through The Gloaming.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 45 ratings