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Scott Lovesy
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 339

21 year old Christian Reingold believed he had a normal life with normal problems. One night, in a small boat out on the water on the North Cape of New Zealand, Christian discovers that he was wrong. Since the very day of his birth, Christian has been hunted. Pursued with callous intent, by a hidden hand that will stop at nothing to end his life.A kind and gentle widower, Christian's father Joseph, the only one who knows the true peril his son is in, had for 20 years traversed the world to keep his son safe, and none the wiser as to the deadly secret of his past. Until one day when it finally catches up with him. The day when 'they' find Christian once again, and neither he, nor those he loves are spared from the dark hand of their merciless intent.In a world he no longer recognises, Christian must discover the truth of his past, who he really is, and why forces have hunted him from his ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 19 ratings