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Ethan Indigo Smith
Publisher: The Fourth Initiate Publications
Pages: 226

    Sean Enstitue lives on the last street, in the last apartment building, on the last corner in Manhattan. He has lived in Inwood, by Washington Heights, for his whole life. He believes that nuclear experimentation is causing global warming, negatively impacting the health of the entire planet. Because of what he knows, he thinks he may by the Earth's last chance.     Through explaining the difference between the street angle and the straight Anglo, Sean ends up exploring inner consciousness, politics, and the universe at large. Allow Sean to introduce you to his world. Graffiti is the only appreciable art, every holiday is a plot to subdue questioning the global military industrial complex, Santa Claus is the lead indoctrinator of lies, and marijuana is the only thing that can save the planet.     Cop the book for a laugh and more importantly provocation of thought. Sean explains the ...
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4 stars from 11 ratings