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Rich Foster
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 362

CAST THE FIRST STONEVol. II Red Lake SeriesMason Forks is a sleepy village north of Red Lake. When the New Life Redemption Church’s bus kills the town drunk’s wife and daughter, he sues the church. But justice is an uneven thing and Robert Goodman loses. Seeking revenge he takes the congregation hostage.In a scene reminiscent of the Dog Day Afternoon meets the Apostle he asks, “Are twenty who will die so the others may live. Fifteen? Ten? Five are willing. Six year old Ruthie Haskell who wants to see her daddy who died driving the bus, Desmond Jones, the mildly retarded church janitor, Elijah James, an old man everyone ignored, and the Daniels, a young couple who planned to be missionaries.Before the evening is out lives are irrevocably altered. How do people react when their deepest beliefs are tested and they miserably fail? How does one overcome cowardice?This is a story of people ...
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