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Adam Bertocci
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 17

Jim still loves his ex-girlfriend Sarah. And that's not going to change when he learns he has to stop thinking of her as a girl.Xyr name is Sable. Xe is transgender. But xe's not becoming a boy—or becoming anything, really. As for Jim, he's about to learn a whole new way of thinking about gender, and binaries, and life. He's about to find out just how much he doesn't know.Award-winning writer and filmmaker Adam Bertocci has been praised by Entertainment Weekly, USA Today, The New Republic, GQ, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Back Stage, Broadway World, E!, Maxim, IGN, Wired, Film Threat and more. In this touching short story, he explores the extraordinary gap between what is known with the mind and what is known with the heart.-----Approx. 5100 words
Amazon Rating:
3 stars from 1 rating