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JW Metcalf
Publisher: JW Inc.
Pages: 225

When a successful business man is found dead in his home, the police rule it a suicide. However, certain evidence suggests otherwise. Private investigator, Tony Gavel, is hired to find out the truth of the matter. Tony's investigation leads him from the carefully manicured lawns of the suburbs to the seedy underbelly of the Big City. As he delves further into the case , he uncovers secrets, lies, and danger at every turn. When an attempt is made on his own life, his friend and former partner, Officer Dwight O'Toole, gives Tony until the end of the week to solve the case before the police take over. Can Tony crack the case before the clock runs out, or will his unstoppable pursuit of justice land him in the morgue as the latest victim?
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 7 ratings