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James Sutherland
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 195

Join Norbert the horse and friends in this comical collection of funny adventures for young readers!Includes:1. Norbert2. Norbert's Summer Holiday3. Christmas with Norbert1. NorbertNorbert has a serious problem - his teeth are GREEN!Worried that this will ruin his chances with Delilah, the pretty pony who lives in the next field, he turns to his only friend Colin the cuckoo for help. Together they devise a cunning plan to steal a toothbrush from Norbert’s grumpy owner, Farmer Finbar.Will they succeed in their desperate mission?What will happen if the grouchy old farmer catches them?And most importantly of all, will Norbert ever win the heart of his beloved Delilah?The 1st book in the ‘Norbert the Horse’ series!2. Norbert’s Summer HolidayJoin Norbert the horse and friends in a special summertime adventure!Stuck in his field in the English countryside, it seems like poor old Norbert and ...
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4 stars from 15 ratings