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Rob Horlock
ASIN: B009V32A5K
Publisher: Rob Horlock
Pages: 38

The Skylark Who Was Frightened of Flying is the first in the ‘Creature Teachers’ series of books aimed at children from 18 months to 7 years of age. It is a book to read to younger children or a story to read by young readers. Each book is written to entertain and educate your child (or friend’s child/grandchild).There are no politically correct messages delivered in these stories, they are traditional children’s stories which aim to extend your child’s vocabulary in a fun way.Sami the skylark suffers from a fear of heights. He suffers from vertigo, which is not ideal for a young skylark. Will he ever fly high in the sky ‘singing, singing, singing’ like his brothers and sister?Lavishly illustrated by Lucy Freegard, the book looks great on your Kindle but looks best in colour on a Kindle Fire or iPad/tablet using the free Kindle App. It is also available in paperback.If you enjoy reading ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 34 ratings