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Nick Whiteley
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 87

"A company of sheep will unleash a competition of wolves"... Nick Whiteley Competition is everywhere; asymmetric, disruptive and coming from every angle. Businesses need to go back to their roots and start innovating again. Success isn't a destination, it’s an innovation journey and once you stop innovating, failure isn't far behind. In “Business Innovation”, the author challenges the existing corporate structures and approaches that stifle innovation and risk the long term future of the corporation. Instead, the author suggests companies need to embrace a new collaborative “hive” structure and resist hierarchical and clone mentality. This book is full of ideas including how to create a culture of innovation, where to start the innovation journey and how to overcome internal barriers. Using concepts from Ocean Blue Strategy, Competing Values Framework and drawing on his own experience ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 12 ratings