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James Wood
Publisher: 1001 Nights Press
Pages: 36

Little did I think, when I returned to Grand Falls, that my life would utterly change. Where once I was hollow, now I am full. Where I doubted of the existence of love, now it holds me tight in its grip. I am no longer the innocent girl; I am blissful, complete, and knowing. He has opened my eyes to the world. I am his and I have flowered.Yet before you can hope to understand of what I speak, we must return to the beginning...This is Paula's story - a steamy, explicit erotic romance of surrender and dark passions. Paula is drawn to a handsome neighbour with secrets in his past, but it is her own hidden fantasies that come to life as he pays his attentions to her. Paula has not only found a lover, she's found herself, her heart ... her Place. Paula's Place is an erotic romance in three parts: Seduction, Surrender, and Submission.Seduction is a libidinous tale about 10,800 words ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 25 ratings