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Jerome Charyn
Publisher: Road
Pages: 46

When his father dies, a young bumper inherits the bloody family businessHolden is more than a bill collector. He’s a killer. His father came to New York from Belgium to spend his life driving cars for the Aladdin Fur Company. But Holden has more ambition than his old man, and rises to the rank of bumper—a violent collector of debts that cannot be paid. But when his father dies, Holden departs for Europe, to live in seclusion until his money runs out. And it’s then that his father’s real business comes to call. The old man was a bumper too, but he killed for a slightly higher class of criminal. And now that he’s gone, his employers want his son to take his place. Holden would like to to refuse, but murder is in his blood, and no man can resist his family legacy.
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