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Publisher: JOHN M. BURTON QC
Pages: 274

Reviews for the Silk Brief.“Just could not put this book down. The book transported my imagination where I was right inside a courtroom drama…. Fantastic, thoroughly recommend this book!” “Both educational and entertaining …I thought the author did an excellent job of introducing Americans to the British legal system (which bemuses many of us as much as cricket). I always love good summations, and these were of high calibre… The author demonstrated a mastery of providing meaningful snippets of personal life essentially in textual asides.”“Author John Burton, Q.C. knows of whereof he writes, and his book, as well as being a well plotted, well written and highly enjoyable murder trial novel, is an education in the English criminal justice system, warts and all… There is also a fascinating subplot about the business of English criminal lawyers and the intrigues of the “Chambers” in which ...
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 8 ratings