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Dennis Yates
ASIN: B00AP940B6
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 62

"Psychological thriller? For sure. This stickman and his muse just about scared the cr*p out of me!" While waiting for his girlfriend in a mall parking lot, Doug witnesses a suspicious individual scoping out cars. The prowler breaks into a van, and instead of stealing items left behind he waits for the family to return and carjacks them.With no time to call for help, Doug decides that he must stop the carjacker from harming the family. He's also horrified by the possibility that the carjacker could be the notorious serial killer dubbed "Stickman."Hot on the trail of a killer headed for privacy, Doug must decide quickly how far he is willing to go.Stickman is the length of a novelette (approximately 13,500 words).
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 48 ratings