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Gordan Runyan
Publisher: Happy Siege
Pages: 8

This 5 page article from Gordan Runyan and the Happy Siege publishing club is an examination of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's thoughts about what exactly the Christian church may do, and in fact ought to do, in the face of an anti-Christ tyranny. This is the situation he faced, as a pastor in Germany in the 1930's and 40's, during Hitler's rise to power. The Reich eventually hanged Bonhoeffer for his part in the plot to kill Hitler we now call Operation Valkyrie.     But the thoughtful minister's ideas on God and government, and what it may mean when Christians must chose to be obedient to one and not the other, are terribly needed in America in 2013.     [tags: Dietrich Bonhoeffer, big government bullies, NDAA, Obamacare, free ebook, free kindle book]
Amazon Rating:
4 stars from 14 ratings