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Elizabeth Stanfill
Pages: 60

This publication describes in detail, and by example, the stresses that EMT’s and Paramedics experience in the Emergency Field. This book includes the real life stories about, and solutions to stress from a seasoned Emergency Responder. From 1992 to the publication of this text (ã2013), Stanfill’s life has, and continues to be focused largely in the Emergency Arena. Originally as an Emergency Worker, followed by Behavioral Science with concentrations in Burnout, and Critical Incident Stress Management, she continues to help Emergency Personnel, comprising of EMT’s, Firefighters, and Paramedics, additionally Doctors, Nurses, and Police Officers.Specific information on Burnout and Critical Incident Stress Management is offered in this small paperback, and it also contains explanations of every day tension that can occur in the EMS, which includes frustration from disrespect, mistakes ...
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5 stars from 6 ratings