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Melanie Stewart
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Pages: 20

Get Rid of 'Scrappers Block' Once and For All!Volume 2 in the 'Beautiful Scrapbook Pages Fast' series: 101 Inspirational Family Scrapbook Quotes is a compilation of the very best family quotes so you can quickly find the perfect quote for your family photos. These will bring your scrapbook pages to life and save you time quote searching so you enhance your treasured family photos.I've written this book after years of frustration scrapbooking myself, inside you will discover how to:*Spend more time expressing yourself.*Get inspiration instantly and start creating pages without delay.*Suitable for traditional and digital scrapbookers.*Anyone can start using these quotes, even if you have never created a page beforeScroll up and click on "Buy Now" to deliver almost instantly to your Kindle or other reading device!
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 20 ratings