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LeAnne McKinley
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 328

Jane Hunter is highly skeptical of romance. Romantic fancies sound good in a 19th century British novel, but in 21st century Vermont, she is planning on plenty of hard work and self-reliance. The daughter of a single mother who sacrificed her dreams to take care of her, Jane plans to show her gratitude by pursuing a nursing degree and being as responsible and self-supporting as she can.To accomplish her dreams, she leaves behind her housekeeping job and moves to the college town of Burlington with the daughter of her employer, and her best friend, Charlotte. Charlotte is full of big plans as well, and she is hoping for a little excitement, especially the romantic kind. Jane wants to keep her friend from getting too involved with the wrong kind of guy, but the move proves that her plans are harder to realize than she expected; it also means that she sees a lot more of Charlie ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 5 ratings