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Amy Gamet
Publisher: Amy Gamet
Pages: 170

The woman he could never forget...The killer he never knew existed... Artist Gwen Trueblood is shocked to discover her husband David's accidental death was actually premeditated murder. Almost as troubling is the revelation that he was in the Witness Protection Program, making Gwen question how well she knew her husband at all. Only one person can give her the information she needs, but he's the very last person on earth Gwen wants to speak to. U.S. Marshal Colin Mitchell was like a brother to David Beaumont when they were growing up, until Colin realized he had feelings for his friend's fiancé. Colin makes a move that ultimately costs him both the woman he loves and his relationship with David. Colin was in charge of the investigation into David's death, and he can't believe he let the other man's killer get away. The case is reopened, bringing David's murderer out of hiding and ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 718 ratings