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Vina Jackson
Publisher: Open Road Media Romance
Pages: 292

The seductive new novel in Vina Jackson’s red-hot Eighty Days series, featuring new protagonist Lily in a tantalizing tale of love, longing, and self-discoveryLily always knew there was something missing from her life—a path yet to be taken and deep desires waiting to be explored. Though she finds release in her love of music, Lily longs to rebel against the staid direction of her life and discover what it is she truly wants.Following her days as a student in Brighton, Lily moves to London with her best friend, the seductive, audacious Liana, who introduces her to an exciting new world of passion and adventure. Soon, Lily meets Leonard, a man with whom she feels an instant connection; Dagur, the gorgeous drummer of a world-renowned rock band; celebrated photographer Grayson; and Grayson’s enigmatic partner, She. All of these characters contribute to Lily’s sexual self-discovery as a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 149 ratings